EU-VAT number outside Germany

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Please read this page carefully. international banking transaction success rates & taxations are out of our reach & control. We can´t offer guarantees of any kind & we do not take responsibility in case of mistakes being made.

If you are located in an EU-country and you do have an EU-VAT number AND you do not have a VAT-free account yet:

1) Choose "Bank transacion" as payment-method and send the EU-VAT number in the commentary. We will adapt your account and this order to VAT-free shopping. After the account has been adapted, we will send you a payment request! Future orders will automatically be VAT-free.

2) If you pay before that verification process of your EU VAT number - or you are not logged-in with such account, you will pay the VAT and there is no way of getting this amount back, as this would interfere with the tax office notifications. NOT our fault then.

© Harald Mücke