Hats at www.spielmaterial.de
Hats made of latex - Design your meeples !
The hats are made of latex rubber and therefore flexible. They therefore fit on the round heads of halma cones/ meeples of different sizes.
How do I use the hats? Well, basically you can use them to decorate / individualise your game pieces or for your own game ideas. Here's an example for the trouble-you-don't game:
Be-Hat-ed: The character who has a hat on is 1x protected from being kicked out (but then has to give the hat to the other player).
Hat home: You must also get your own hat home. If the wearer is kicked out, the hat remains in the place where it was kicked out.
Hats to the hut: As the second goal, the players try to get as many hats as possible into the hut - their own and others'. Whoever kicks out can take the hat away from the others and put it on themselves..

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2F Spiele, info@2f-spiele.de0items
ABACUSSPIELE Verlags GmbH, info@abacusspiele.de0items
AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, info@amigo-spiele.de0items
Beltz Medien-Service, service@beltz.de0items
Clicker Spiele, info@clicker-spiele.de0items
Cwali, info@cwali.nl0items
Farbton-Keramik, info@farbton-papier.de0items
Feuerland Spiele, kontakt@feuerland-spiele.de0items
Flatlined Games, eric.hanuise@flatlinedgames.com0items
Franjos, franjos2011@franjos.de0items
Frosted, Games, kontakt@frostedgames.de0items
Hans im Glück, info@hans-im-glueck.de0items
HD Dice, adam@hddice.com0items
Hertel, info@hertel-kartonagen.de0items
humboldt Verlag, lektorat@humboldt.de0items
Igel Spiele, post@igel-spiele.com0items
ION Game Design, info@iongamedesign.com0items
Iwako, info-global@iwako.com0items
Koplow, info@koplowgames.com0items
Kosmos Verlag, info@kosmos.de0items
LIT, lit@lit-verlag.de0items
Lookout Spiele, buero@lookout-spiele.de 0items
LOQUAI Holzspiele, loquai.holz@t-online.de0items
Ludofact, info@ludofact.de0items
Mattel, https://shopping.mattel.com/de-de/pages/contact-us0items
Modul, info@modul-toys.si0items
MUSIKVERLAG KATZBICHLER, katzbichler@web.de0items
Mücke Spiele, info@muecke-spiele.de0items
NSV, info@nsv.de0items
officeb2b GmbH, service@officeb2b.de0items
Oink, lauri@oinkgms.com0items
Ostia Spiele, info@ostia-spiele.de0items
Pegasus, info@pegasus.de0items
Piatnik, info@piatnik.com0items
Queen Games, info@queen-games.com0items
Ravensburger AG, info@ravensburger.de0items
Repos Production,info@rprod.com0items
Schleich, schleich@schleich-s.com0items
Schmidt Spiele GmbH, info@schmidtspiele.de0items
SKELLIG GAMES GmbH, info@skellig-games.de0items
Sphinx Spieleverlag, info@sphinxspiele.de0items
SPIELEREI, info@spielerei.de0items
Springer Verlag, juergen.hartmann@springernature.com0items
Steffen Spiele Verlag, post@steffen-spiele.de0items
Strohmann Games, kontakt@strohmann-games.de0items
Stutz & Fischer, verkauf@stutz-fischer.de 0items
Trefl, trefl@trefl.com0items
www.spielmaterial.de, info@spielmaterial.de10item
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