The Battle of Red Cliffs

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The Battle of Red Cliffs

Deutsche Anleitung:

is a revamped edition of Tien Zi Que, the Mahjong card game, for 1-9 players. Like Mahjong, each game plays over several rounds as players collect sets of cards. What makes TZQ/BRC unique is that when players collect sets, they save a card from each one to form a Master Set that is used for scoring at the end of the round (when one player has five score cards). Players want to make sure the cards they save will score well because if they don't score enough points to get to the next score level, they will fall back to the previous one.

Players can also "Peng" to form a set at the beginning of any player's turn, use Command cards to gain a unique advantage, and play in teams of two or three to add to the fun.


Year Published
# of Players
1 − 9
User Suggested # of Players
(Not best with any number)
Recommended with 1, 2, 3, 4 players
Mfg Suggested Ages
10 and up
Playing Time
30 minutes
Aktuell auf Lager: 17
ACHTUNG! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr, da kleine Teile verschluckt oder eingeatmet werden können.
Mehr Informationen
Gewicht (in kg) 1.200000
Hersteller xxx Verlag nicht mehr aktiv
Sortiernummer 003400
Lieferzeit 2-5 Werktage nach Zahlung
Material Spiel
© Harald Mücke
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